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Church Officers


1. serve as the president of the congregation and of the congregation
2. conduct congregation meetings,
3. conduct congregation council meetings,
4. carry out all other duties normally required by such office or specifically
directed by the congregation council,
5. Serve on Personnel Task Team.

Vice President

1. assist the president,
2. assume the duties of the president during his/her absence,
3. Serve on Personnel Task Team.


1. serve as the secretary of the congregation,
2. record and disseminate the minutes of congregation meetings,
3. record and disseminate the minutes of congregation council meetings.

Mission Teams

Christian Education:

There shall be a Mission Team on Christian Education. This Mission Team, in association with the pastor, shall oversee the conduct and promotion of the schools and the activities of all organizations within the congregation or sponsored by it. It shall encourage the use of teaching and worship materials
published or approved by the ELCA, and seek to introduce the church's periodicals and books of family devotion into the homes of the congregation. One of the primary aims of the Mission Team on Christian Education shall be to bring the call to the ministry of the Gospel and to other full time church vocations to the attention of qualified youth of the congregation.

Family Life: 

The Family Life team nurtures the families of our community to use their gifts in ministry. We support and care for your family through the fullness of your lifelong faith journey.

Social Ministry:

The purpose of the Social Ministry Team is to equip disciples to support and empower our local and global neighbors experiencing loss, crises, food insecurity and/or homelessness. Our ministry of compassion provides tangible signs of God’s presence and comfort to each and every child of God.”


There shall be a Mission Team on Stewardship, of which the financial secretary(s) shall be a member ex officio. It shall be the function of this Mission Team to evoke and promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living; to teach the Christian use of money; to diffuse knowledge of the congregation's local, national and world-wide ministries, and to lead all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord's work. This Mission Team shall also be responsible for congregational efforts which lead to informed and grateful giving.


There shall be a Mission Team on Youth Ministry. It shall oversee the entire youth program of the church. It shall provide adult advisors for the youth program. It is to work closely with the advisors, officers, pastor, and Youth leaders in providing continuity. It is to demonstrate care and concern for students who have also entered college. It is to encourage
participation in synodical, district, and national ELCA activities.


Welcoming all with love and respect; inviting, nurturing and equipping disciples to connect to their part in God’s story, within our walls and in our community.

Church Property:

There shall be a Mission Team on Church Property. This Mission Team shall see to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair.


There shall be a Finance Mission Team, of which the treasurer(s) and financial secretary(s) shall be members ex officio. It shall prepare a program proposal with costs for the succeeding year, including this congregation's full indicated share in support of the wider ministry being carried on in its
behalf by the ELCA and the synod, and shall submit a draft budget to the church council for its action and later presentation to a congregational meeting. The Mission Team shall exercise oversight of all the financial affairs of the congregation to make sure that they are being conducted
efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations and to the regular forwarding of benevolence monies to the synodical treasurer. This Mission Team shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the treasurer(s) and financial secretary(s). It shall, subject to the approval of the church council, be responsible for the congregation's
investments and its total insurance program. It shall also provide for annual audits of the accounts of the treasurers and the financial secretary, if there be one, as well as of the accounts of the schools and organizations within the

Worship and Music:

There shall be a Mission Team on Worship and Music. It shall see that the services of God's house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA, that competent ushers are recruited and trained, and that hymnals and other devotional materials are provided and properly cared for. This Mission Team shall supervise, and strive to advance the welfare and effective service of, the choirs of the congregation. It shall arrange for the care of paraments, vestments and musical instruments and, in consultation with the pastor, the organist and the choir directors, it shall furnish music supplies appropriate for use in the worship of a congregation of the ELCA.

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